Good Shepherd has a small team of vergers who rotate their service. A verger is commonly known as the “priest’s butler.” As such, the verger serves the priest before, during and after the service. The verger also serves the chalice bearers during the service. The verger attends to the “big picture” so that the service can run smoothly, ensuring that the participants in the service have what they need to serve communicants and enhance the worship experience of the congregation. It is imperative that vergers demonstrate a servant’s heart to all at the altar.
Chalice Bearers
Chalice bearers have the honor of serving the Blood of Christ to communicants. They serve with reverence. They receive yearly training in the philosophy and duties of a chalice bearer.
Lay Readers
Lay readers bring the word of God to life through readings from the Old Testament, the Psalms, and selected New Testament readings. The readings are an integral part of the worship experience, providing insight and preparing worshipers for the lessons in the sermon. Lay readers participate in yearly training in communicating the word of God effectively and enthusiastically.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Each Sunday, Good Shepherd lay members deliver Communion to our members who are home bound or hospitalized. Recipients are blessed by the gift of communion, and the participants in this ministry are blessed by the act of sharing God’s presence in the elements.
The ministry of acolyte is a serving ministry of the church that comes from ancient times. From those days until now acolytes have been faithful and conscientious men, women, boys and girls, who love the Lord Jesus Christ and love serving Him at his sacred altar. Acolytes assist in worship by carrying a processional cross, lighting candles, holding the Gospel book, holding candles or "torches", assisting a priest set up and clean up at the altar, handing the offering plates to ushers, and many other tasks as seen fit by the priest. It is an honor to be selected as one who serves, and, truly a ministry to God and God’s people.
Altar Guild
Members of the altar guild are dedicated to preparing the altar for worship every Sunday. Altar guild members serve on a rotating basis, ensuring that the table is prepared for Communion and the church is equipped with candles. Operating in one team per service, altar guild members prepare the elements for distribution at each of three services and stock the kit used for sharing communion to homebound and hospitalized. They also ensure that the colors for the season or for special Sundays are reflected on the table and the hangings.
Prayer Teams
During Communion at each worship service, trained prayer teams are available in the Prayer Room, just off the foyer. Experienced prayer ministers pray with parishioners and visitors confidentially. Parishioners and visitors may also make the Prayer Team aware of their prayer requests via the prayer cards in each pew rack, which can be placed in the offering plate.
Flower Guild
The flower guild purchases flowers and greenery from wholesale suppliers and maintains the vases and other materials necessary for arranging the flowers and greenery. In preparation for every Sunday, a team of two or three flower guild members arranges the flowers and greenery and places the arrangements in the sanctuary. For special occasions and seasons of the year, the flower guild provides flowers and greenery for the foyer and other areas of the church. At Christmas, the flower guild provides the materials and leadership for the Greening of the Church, and encourages members of the congregation to participate. The guild fills the altar with poinsettias for Christmas, and it adorns the altar with lilies for Easter.
Greeters and Ushers
Greeters and Ushers provide a welcoming environment and distribute the Sunday Service Bulletins to parishioners and visitors at Sunday morning services.