Caring Ministries
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry will help people who are hurting as a result of life’s occurrences by: Listening to them. Praying with and for them. Maintaining strict confidentiality. Walking with them through their troubled time(s) - such as: grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, re-location, or some other life crisis. Men are matched with men; women with women. Following the precepts, training and supervision of the Stephen Ministry organization, we will follow Jesus' command to share one another's burdens and through this ministry help fulfill the Great Commission to create disciples.
For more information contact: Veveine McKenzie: 713-252-0386 or CLICK HERE to send us an email.
Take Them a Meal
This ministry provides direct care for those in need, providing meals for families celebrating the birth of a child or experiencing serious illness or loss. Click on word "HERE" below to go to the Take Them A Meal website to sign up to provide a meal.
Click HERE. When searching for a specific family, if there is a meal schedule, it will be listed under the family's last name; the password is GSEC.
Daughters of the King
The mission of the Daughters of the King (DOK) is to extend Christ's Kingdom through prayer, service, and evangelism. Good Shepherd’s DOK chapter meets monthly for prayer, study and outreach. Speakers and programs focus on forms of prayer and how to invite the Holy Spirit in as you pray. Various forms of prayer and prayer methods have been explored, such as reflective prayer, invitatory prayer, contemplative prayer, Taizé, prayer beads, walking the labyrinth, silent retreats, and use of the prayer book. The DOK has a dynamic prayer network.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The parishioners in this ministry gather on Tuesday mornings, from 10-12, to knit and crochet prayer shawls. These lovingly created shawls augment the Good Shepherd prayer ministry by extending a warm and physical touch—assuring the recipients of our prayers and God’s infinite love and care. Typically, the shawls are presented by a friend or loved one to someone experiencing an illness. Experienced shawl makers are happy to assist anyone who is less experienced and would like to participate. All are welcome!
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEVs) are trained members of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church who serve in rotation to bring Holy Communion, the Blessed Body and Blood of Jesus, to our beloved members who are unable to attend in-person worship. LEVs are under the supervision of our priest and work with our deacon. Please contact the church office at office@gshepherd.net if you require a visit from one of our LEVs.
If you have a pastoral emergency reach out to the church office immediately so that a priest may be contacted.