Outreach Ministries

Daughters of the King

The Order of the Daughters of the King® is an order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, churches in communion with it, or churches in the historic episcopate but not in communion with it. Our membership currently includes women in the Anglican, Episcopal, Lutheran (ELCA), and Roman Catholic churches.

Reaffirming the promises made at Baptism and Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service and evangelism. She receives support in this commitment from a worldwide community of like-minded women.

The Shepherd’s Nook

The Shepherd’s Nook is a thrift shop founded in 1978 by the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Women.  The Nook is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that receives donations of clothing, toys, books and household items from individuals in the community and sells them at deeply discounted prices.  The Nook is staffed solely by volunteers.  All proceeds from The Nook are distributed to local non-profit organizations.  The Nook also provides free clothing and household items to clients referred from area churches and community service agencies such as Christian Helping Hands (CHH).  In addition to monetary donations, the Nook has provided free clothing, household items, videos and books to many in need.

Good Shepherd Episcopal School  

The Good Shepherd Episcopal School serves children aged 3 through pre-kindergarten.  The School’s mission is to provide a safe and loving environment in which children’s lives are transformed through its high-quality educational program.  Students flourish because of an educated and experienced teaching staff, a low child/teacher ratio, a high level of parental involvement, and a fully developed fine arts program.  Good Shepherd Episcopal School nurtures the whole child, academically, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. 

Harvest PawFest

Following 2020, Good Shepherd Episcopal Church reimagined its annual Harvest Fest celebration. The inaugural Harvest PawFest occurred in 2023 with over 500 attendees from the community. Harvest PawFest takes place around the Feast of St. Francis and incorporates the annual blessing of the animals. Vendors are invited to showcase their merchandise with a special eye to pet lovers. A variety of local food trucks are on hand. Special games and events are available throughout the grounds. A pet show and special pet costume contest are highlights. It is a growing and thriving event for pet lovers in Friendswood and the local community.

Blood Drive

Good Shepherd’s Blood Drive ministry holds five drives per year for the benefit of Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center. 

Episcopal Church Women

The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) are dedicated to helping women. Along with monetary support provided to our church, Clergy Discretionary funds and many Good Shepherd ministries, the ECW provides educational scholarships for women enrolled in higher education, scholarships for youth summer camps, and donations to the Vera Gang Scott Scholarship fund. 

Family Promise of Clear Creek

Good Shepherd is a host congregation that opens our building to provide a safe, hospitable shelter for the families in the Family Promise of Clear Creek program for a week at a time, four times a year.  Host congregations provide Family Promise guest families overnight lodging, meals (supper & breakfast), and hospitality.

Our church members provide a variety of services during the week: cooking and serving meals, playing with children or helping them with homework, and staying overnight. Beyond providing lodging and meals, volunteers interact with the guests, treating them with respect and responding with compassion.

Meals on Wheels  

Good Shepherd participates in and supports the local Meals on Wheels program, delivering hot meals to shut-ins in the local area.

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew 

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is the Episcopal churches oldest ministry. it supports worship and felloship of our church. They support many activites throughout the year. In the spring, they helps organize an annual golf tournament which is for Brotherhood chapters in Greater Houston. Proceeds from the tournament are donated towards a Camp Allen camping experience for inner city boys, part of the Positive Image Program.

Questions about Caring Ministries at Good Shepherd?